Cardiff City Forum

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Kneejerkers & Drama Queens

Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:12 am

You simply have to love them!

Here's an idea...shall we just wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions????

The "re-branding" (whatever that means) is happening, but all I see is the potential for the club to pay off long term debts (whether that happens remains to be seen) a new training facility as the Vale I heard were charging £250k a year to use theirs, and presumably money made available for the manager to beef up the squad (whether that happens remains to be seen).

Basically no one knows what's going to happen. If it all goes pear shaped then some people will say the inevitable "I told you so's" if (and I hope this happens) the proposals come true and the club does soon have a sound financial footing and a squad that again will be up there challenging - then I for one will be a happy BLUEBIRD. :ayatollah:

I don't particularly care about the Premier League for the reasons mentioned by many, it's not the be all & end all of Cardiff City FC - for me the fact I will be able to still go and see Cardiff City FC without having the thought of "when is the tax man going to come knocking?, when is Langstone going to screw us finally?" etc etc...

I said before, when the whole issue was leaked before and people went nuts...I said people needed to get a grip, that if fans from Portsmouth & Rangers read us all in-fighting about what colour we wanted to play in, they would be shaking their heads in disbelief.

And before people start banging on's not just a colour etc. The history of Cardiff City FC will NEVER go until I DIE, not the club. Simply put, our club's history is forever engraved in my head. I know what we've achieved over the years and I will be a proud Cardiff City FC supporter until I'm 6ft under pushing up flowers.

I will be there, I will always be there. :ayatollah: :ayatollah: