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OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:23 am

My xbox freezes when ever i attempt to download ANYTHING, demos...videos, the online pass for fifa!!! as u can imagine my frustration.

anyone know how i can fix this without sending it off, anyone experienced this beforE?

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:28 am

By a Playstion 3 Better quality parts free online and best of all its not microsoft!!!!!! :ayatollah: :old:

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:39 am

Have you tried just rebooting it ? youd lose all DLC on there but you can re-download them

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:42 am

denton2k6 wrote:Have you tried just rebooting it ? youd lose all DLC on there but you can re-download them

from scratch? do you mean formatting the hard drive and wiping it all? i havent tried that due to losing my saved games etc, i could try if i can shift my save games externally for a day

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:08 am

Ye just put the saves onto a usb or other storage an then reformat it , only take the saves off the hard drive though as its probably a update thats causing the problem

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:36 am

Yes like posted above, buy a PS3. Much better than the ChavBox360. :lol: Lets face it, you only bought a ChavBox360 because it was a cheaper console. :lol:

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:37 am

Berwyn wrote:Yes like posted above, buy a PS3. Much better than the ChavBox360. :lol: Lets face it, you only bought a ChavBox360 because it was a cheaper console. :lol:

ive had this xbox before the ps3 was even released. im not a fan of the ps3. it has very limited games, the online is an absolute shambles, hacked left right aqnd center. the numbers of people online who i know you could count using the number of ears you have.

it may perform better, but its managed, handled, marketed and overall a massive waste of its potential.

its xbox all the way :)

and thats to the other poster, i was going to reformat it tonight anyway

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:00 am

there is a reason you pay for xbox live thats because its overall better. although i like both consoles for different reasons. gaming online is miles better on the 360.
plus dont expect any help off sony if your ps3 brakes asked me for £145. where as microsoft will replace it for free within the 3 years of buying the console brand new. (most electricals have that as its law) but sony not being a European company do not have to do it.

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:39 pm

bluebird7291 wrote:there is a reason you pay for xbox live thats because its overall better. although i like both consoles for different reasons. gaming online is miles better on the 360.
plus dont expect any help off sony if your ps3 brakes asked me for £145. where as microsoft will replace it for free within the 3 years of buying the console brand new. (most electricals have that as its law) but sony not being a European company do not have to do it.

I think you need to check the Sale of Goods Act first. Have a read of that then come back and correct your post. :ayatollah:

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:44 pm

although he may not be totally accurate his points still astand that xbox is far better as a whole

Re: OT - anyone good with Xbox's

Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:54 pm

jezzy666 wrote:although he may not be totally accurate his points still astand that xbox is far better as a whole

Cause it's not. the PS3 pisses all over it. I'd describe this like when I was a kid and we all had Action Men. The kids who had cheapy pound shop action man did their best to convince everyone or just mainly themsleves that theirs was just as good. Fact is it's not, it's an happy shopper one.

The ChavBox360 should have been named "My Mums Box 360" or "Happy Shopper Box 360". It doesn't even have Bluray ffs :lol:

I've got both consoles and my daughter has both consoles of her own. Niether I nor her uses the ChavBoxs at all now. They both sit there gethering dust whilst our PS3's are constantly on.