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I should feel quite smug but somehow.......................

Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:13 am was an accident waiting to happen.

I got slaughtered on here a year ago when I warned of possible failures in employing the CEO who is now to leave. I kept quiet and took the flak but mentioned a leopard never changes his spots.

I always said we would not succeed until we had a footballing CEO, not one with personal interest and gain (PR) and not one with his own egg chasing agenda, although to some extent I expect the Malaysians were mis-informed.

Still, as far as I can see it is another step in the right direction and appointing (or keeping Julian Jenkins) a further leap forward.

Now all we need is somene with balls to kick the egg back to town! :lol:

Re: I should feel quite smug but somehow.......................

Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:50 am

arri potta was an accident waiting to happen.

I got slaughtered on here a year ago when I warned of possible failures in employing the CEO who is now to leave. I kept quiet and took the flak but mentioned a leopard never changes his spots.

I always said we would not succeed until we had a footballing CEO, not one with personal interest and gain (PR) and not one with his own egg chasing agenda, although to some extent I expect the Malaysians were mis-informed.

Still, as far as I can see it is another step in the right direction and appointing (or keeping Julian Jenkins) a further leap forward.

Now all we need is somene with balls to kick the egg back to town! :lol:

It is a right sneaky bit of business by our men in Kuala Lumpar. All smiles, pats
on the back, 'we're in it together'... come on Guyo, convert that debt into shares...

Oh and wave tata to your pet CEO. Ruthless as f**k.

Appears Jenkins thought he was a cut above the 'football' people he was trying to
negotiate with... or are the rumours that Alex Ferguson cut him off at the knees
mid-conversation all incorrect???