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OT Just let you know my son is still in jail 4 weeks overdue

Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:52 am

I am just updating those who have been writing to Matthew and assumed he had been let out from jail this is not the case. There has been a problem we are told locating his paperwork from when he got transferred from Wormwood Scrubs he is now starting his 14th week in prison and has served longer than most boys who had 12, and 14 months sentences given to them. He may get a release date next week at the earliest which means he would have served 15 weeks of his 5 month sentence.

Could you please continue to write to him it does keep his spirits in what is a very tough prison, and difficult time. Woodhill it’s a high security prison for category A prisoners and houses some of the countries worst criminals. He has less privileges in this prison due to the type of prisoner held there, and is mixing with many criminals who have made headline news for all the wrong reasons. To say it is a worry for me and the family is understatement, his daughter goes in for a serious eye operation this Thursday and was hoping her daddy would be home but due to this admin cock up its very unlikely we will see him for at least another fortnight.

Thanks again for all your support everyone has been fantastic to my family and I.

Matthew Alm; HMP Woodhill, Tattenhoe Road, Milton Keynes, MK4 4DA prison number A6498CE

Re: OT Just let you know my son is still in jail 4 weeks overdue

Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:23 pm

Just about to post a short letter ,basically saying keep your sprits up .No doubt he will come up of this much stronger and realize who his true friends are ,and how much he means to his family .Not the best of letter writers but do believe letters however shit they might have been written or by whom can raise the sprits when in the 'shit ' so to speak .

Re: OT Just let you know my son is still in jail 4 weeks overdue

Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:00 pm

Thanks mate that's great you want to see my mothers letters they will be better than hers does make him laugh

Re: OT Just let you know my son is still in jail 4 weeks overdue

Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:29 pm

Don't know him, but good luck to him.
Hope they sort out the paperwork asap.

Re: OT Just let you know my son is still in jail 4 weeks overdue

Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:06 pm

Its a disgrace Vince and the system is totally messed up.