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Where's the Sour Grapes Gone?

Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:55 pm

Can I just cast our minds back to our little incident with Russia and Fifa? To refresh Wales played Russia in a play-off game with the winner qualifying. They won, fair enough, not got an argument with that.

However they then had a player test positive for drugs and nothing was done about it. Before anyone says anything I didn't expect Wales to go through instead but I did expect something to be done about the drug taking. I said then that there was something dodgy going on between Russia and Fifa. No one cared because it was lowly Wales. If it had been a big gun knocked out then I'm sure something would have been done.

At the time I made my feelings known on mb's but the English posters there claimed it was just sour grapes and we should just get over it, followed by lots and lots of :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well okay then English posters, TOLD YOU SO!!! Told you the Russians and Fifa were dodgy didn't I. Or are we now both wrong and now all the shouts about unfair play from across the border are just sour grapes?

Russia getting this bid is ridiculous in my opinion and it's a massive blow for England AND Wales. The Vale and the Celtic manor would have been high on the list as a team base camps. CCS and the MIll Stad would have been high on the list for pre-tournament friendlies not just against Wales but other countries playing each other to acclimate, especially south American countries.

Re: Where's the Sour Grapes Gone?

Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:26 pm

Good call. Dodgy as hell.
As was the play off seedings prior to the last world cup. They werent going to seed until France and Russia were in the playoffs so they fixed it. At least Russia lost that.

Its all corrupt as hell, the English and Welsh FA should pull out and let the whole thng collapse.

The only good thing about this is that the English are all pissed off. which can never be a bad thing!!!! :D

Re: Where's the Sour Grapes Gone?

Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:08 pm

Yeah dead right Berwyn, nobody couldn't care a f--k about Wales could they?