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Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:27 pm

Should players take a wage cut ?

Do you think footballers should take a wage cut given the current economic climate?

Are you in favour of a wage-cap for players ?
or do you think they have the right to earn whatever they get paid by clubs ?


Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:31 pm

Definitely. only fans care about football anymore


Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:38 pm

Forever Blue wrote:Should players take a wage cut ?

Do you think footballers should take a wage cut given the current economic climate?

Are you in favour of a wage-cap for players ?
or do you think they have the right to earn whatever they get paid by clubs ?

Annis,don`t get me started on this.
You know where I stand on this from previous posts. :ayatollah:


Wed Dec 01, 2010 5:50 pm

Sometimes I do think they get paid too much for what is essentially a dream job - training and kicking a ball around, playing your favourite game for a living...I know personally I'd be happy to do that for a more 'normal wage'...
But footballers know that there is a lot of money to be had for it, and they're not stupid. What we have to think is would you do the same job for £30,000 a year if you knew you could get twice or more that if you went anywhere else?


Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:22 pm

I definitely think players should be on a performance based wage. If they win they get more, if they lose they get less. Simple. If they don't like it, f**k off... or win more.


Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:40 pm

Zabier wrote:I definitely think players should be on a performance based wage. If they win they get more, if they lose they get less. Simple. If they don't like it, f**k off... or win more.



But not singling out attackers from defenders. in other words you dont get £1000 per goal! because that would be a disadvantage to a defender so they get £500-£1000 clean sheet bonus. Midfielders benefit from both (less from clean sheets, but more than strikers for goals,) etc etc.....

I suppose you could go on for ages regarding the types of bonuses- but you know what i mean.....

They should get paid like a salesman - a shit basic of so much £££'s - but the rest is earned in performance and profits?


Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:48 pm

littlebluebird wrote:Sometimes I do think they get paid too much for what is essentially a dream job - training and kicking a ball around, playing your favourite game for a living...I know personally I'd be happy to do that for a more 'normal wage'...
But footballers know that there is a lot of money to be had for it, and they're not stupid. What we have to think is would you do the same job for £30,000 a year if you knew you could get twice or more that if you went anywhere else?

Where would they go? The reality is that our players are very highly paid when compared with players of a similar level in other leagues (international) - consequently, very few of our players would be able to secure alternative employment on similar money if all clubs imposed some sort of limits on players' wages (e.g. percentage of gate receipts or total income). Even if one assumes that some were good enough to move overseas on attractive packages, how many of them have the ability to adapt to a different social and footballing culture. The record of British players in foreign leagues is not particularly impressive - a point reinforced by England's recent performance against France.

The real pity is that CCFC do not have the resources and inclination as a club to scout out some of this superior international talent. DJ referred to this in one of his interview sessions with fans.


Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:50 pm

Koumas 30k a week = a big f*cking joke :o :o :cry: :cry: :evil: :evil:


Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:53 pm

Merlin wrote:
Zabier wrote:I definitely think players should be on a performance based wage. If they win they get more, if they lose they get less. Simple. If they don't like it, f**k off... or win more.



But not singling out attackers from defenders. in other words you dont get £1000 per goal! because that would be a disadvantage to a defender so they get £500-£1000 clean sheet bonus. Midfielders benefit from both (less from clean sheets, but more than strikers for goals,) etc etc.....

I suppose you could go on for ages regarding the types of bonuses- but you know what i mean.....

They should get paid like a salesman - a shit basic of so much £££'s - but the rest is earned in performance and profits?

Exactly Merlin, commission based pay if you will. If you attack, you earn more if you score. If you're in midfield you earn more for completed passes. If you're a keeper or defender, a clean sheet earns you cash. It would be more confusing but it would be worth it!


Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:00 pm

Yes, they are paid obscene money for playing such a simple game.Likes of rooney get more than a brain surgeon & probably can just about read & write.


Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:00 pm

bluebirds over.... wrote:Yes, they are paid obscene money for playing such a simple game.Likes of rooney get more than a brain surgeon & probably can just about read & write.

I think you're being a bit too generous with the compliments to Rooney there!


Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:13 pm

I don't think that players wages should be capped directly, but think that FIFA ought to bring in a ruling, which would restrict clubs to only being able to spend, a certain percentage of their turnover, on player's wages, bonuses, transfer fees and agent's fees!

50% would be a good starting point IMO, so If our turnover was £20,000,000 per year for example, then we'd only be able to spend £10,000,000 on this type of expenditure!

IMO, this would stop clubs from gambling on their future and spending money that they haven't got, thereby ensuring more of a certain future for the fans and the club's playing and non playing staff! :ayatollah: :ayatollah:


Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:33 pm

Gone are the days you have men playing for the love of the game and the love of his team - and holding downa regular day job!

Yes the money involved is ridiculous - but for the smaller clubs to be affected it needs to begin at the top and be a worldwide ruling to stop players upping n going to other places - doubt this will ever happen

Something needs to be done

Q wages been batted round on here range from Koumas 30k per week compared to Jay's 10k per week - that does not sound right!

can't see anything changing though


Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:13 pm

i agree with the performance related pay, a minimum wage per week and whatever wage was required should the side win!! then you know as a fan that your players are trying 100 per cent for 90 mins

im sure when sam signed hartson for wimbledon , he was on something like 3000 per week and 10000 per goal!!!!


Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:26 pm

They obviously get paid to much but would i take a pay cut if I was playing? No way


Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:00 pm

Forever Blue wrote:Should players take a wage cut ?

Do you think footballers should take a wage cut given the current economic climate?

Are you in favour of a wage-cap for players ?
or do you think they have the right to earn whatever they get paid by clubs ?

for the sake of football it has to change,clubs are going bust,yet players and the agents live in cuckoo land,itll end with a bang :( :( :(


Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:34 pm

How about a basic wage ...set in their contract....

and after each game the crowd vote - not with our mobile phones cos we end up paying twice but with some instrument by our seats or on the way out - give the player a score out of 10.

The higher the score the more they get paid on top of their basic wage.

If there is a small crowd they gat paid less as less people voted.

EVEN BETTER ...a clapometer.....the players stand on the centre spot in turn and the crowd clap if they were any good. If they boo the players give money back.
It would be better than the game. You can even boo the opposition !!
Of course as most people leave as soon as the final whistle goes it would be chaos. :lol:

Stupid idea and its bed time !


Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:15 pm

i think its going to go the same way the housing market went, crashing at some point, to many clubs in financial trouble.


Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:41 pm

Forever Blue wrote:Should players take a wage cut ?

Do you think footballers should take a wage cut given the current economic climate?

Are you in favour of a wage-cap for players ?
or do you think they have the right to earn whatever they get paid by clubs ?

Yes players are paid too much but this is simply a supply and demand situation. Players are like you and me and will always take the higher wage for doing the same job.
As long as people pay their Sky subscriptions this is surely a hypothetical question, well at least for premier league clubs. As the majority of the clubs income now comes from sources other than gate receipts supply and demand will always push up players wages. Clubs will always chase the target of the promised land or staying in the promised land. Would we be happy with City having mid table mediocrity of risk the future of the club and splash the cash on players wages and go for promotion? Fans would never be satisfied with mid table.
However players should have a low basic wage and performance related bonus, or play as you play bonus. But until the Sky/TV money is evened out across all clubs the situation will not change.


Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:56 pm

Interesting how people want lower wages and then in other threads having a go at DJ for not offering Burke and Jay better deals :o


Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:01 am

2blue2handle wrote:Interesting how people want lower wages and then in other threads having a go at DJ for not offering Burke and Jay better deals :o

Totally agree. Sometimes people forget how close we have been to oblivion and yet still want us to spend more money we don't have on players to get us promoted.. :ayatollah:


Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:07 am

play bad pay bad in my opinion


Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:14 am

Whatever solutions you can think of , there will always be a way around it , the player or his agent will set up a company which will recieve the money , or it won`t be a wage , but a `sponsorship`.
It`s a fact , like it or not, whoever pays the most money will get what they want , as in most walks of life, money rules. :ayatollah:


Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:51 am

If they play well and look like they're putting the effort in to justify those wages, then I think they are. However, it's when pricks like Florent Malouda, who probably earns close to, or over £100k per week, starts to moan about playing too many games over Christmas or too many games, full stop, that it starts to get on my nerves. They need to get more of a grip on reality. But, as long as they put the effort in, I don't begrudge them. They're entitled to the slice of the Sky TV money as they're the ones responsible for the 'product', after all. If there wasn't so much Sky money being pumped into the game, they wouldn't be paid so much


Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:55 am

footballers should be able to get paid what ever want..there shouldn't be a cap. would you cap a film star, a musician? No, so why should there be a cap for them. I just feel the whole structure of how nthey get paid is wrong. it should be on a pay as you win. a standard pay with extras for winning games, if people were given a low standard wage but paid more winning games, then maybe the desire to win games would be there, instead of knowing if they lose they still got £20k in the bank for that week even if they put in a poor performance.


Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:20 pm

Right then, I have a split opinion on this.

Football is a MASSIVE BUSINESS which turns over mega money globally. I do think it's right the players get the main bulk of this rather than directors chairmen etc and other corporate people involved.

However I hate the fact that we are being priced out of the game and pay stupid money for season tickets and admission prices.


Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:34 pm

Players could at least donate a weeks wages to a good cause, they have more money than they need anyway and footballers wages have been bleeding the game dry for years. A bit of thought for those less well of wouldn't go amiss.


Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:15 pm

Forever Blue wrote:Should players take a wage cut ?

Do you think footballers should take a wage cut given the current economic climate?

Are you in favour of a wage-cap for players ?
or do you think they have the right to earn whatever they get paid by clubs ?

It's a toughy....

If the clubs are making money hand-over-fist then the players deserve/have a right to an appropriate piece of the pie. The trouble, in my humble opinion, comes when greed enters the equation....

For example (and I really don't want to open up this debate again but it is a good example) when Joe Ledley left his hometown club it was for mainly financial reasons and had little to do with REAL ambition. It was, in fairness, a lot of money for a young man to turn down but he'd have become a multi-millionaire over the next few years wherever he'd gone (i.e. to the Premiership).

In contrast, Aaron Ramsay considered ALL his options, weighed up what was best for his FOOTBALLING career and signed for Arsenal, where he KNEW he would be nurtured and given EVERY opportunity to make his mark in both a fantastic young side AND in the Premiership itself....and all this after HUGE pressure was put on him by the club to sign for Man Ure because it suited Dave Jones and Peter Ridsdale.

No-one can blame any player for wanting to better himself or trying to get the best deal that he can, BUT you can blame a player (and some clubs) for purely mercenary actions which are based almost entirely on a "What's in it for me?" culture.

That, I'm afraid, eventually rubs off on everyone involved and is what will eventually lead (maybe already has??) to a huge backlash from fans who are finally waking up to the FACT that neither the club or the players they support give two hoots about them or their long as they put their backsides on the old plastic seats and buy the over-priced food and merchandise on demand.

With rare exception (Steven Gerrard and Ryan Giggs are good examples) only the supporters REALLY LOVE their clubs....and yet it is they (the fans) who are left feeling cheated when some 'maverick' turns up and 'kisses the badge' until someone with a bigger wallet comes a-calling....

When I see average players in the Championship earning more in a WEEK than I can earn in a few MONTHS (and average Premiership players more in a WEEK than I can earn gross in a YEAR) I begin to question my own sanity for turning up anymore. ...

But that's where the blighters have got me by the danglies....because unlike them, I LOVE football and (like most of you) I love MY team!!

So my answer is 'NO' there shouldn't be a wage cap...but I don't have to like it eitherr!!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:40 pm

Interesting Debate :ayatollah: :ayatollah: :ayatollah: