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Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:30 pm

maccydee wrote:I'm in two minds about it.

The coalition are changing all the rules now regarding redundancy etc. So they are basically sacking people and then giving them a miniscule payout. There is even talk of compulsory redundancies for Armed Forces and changing the rules to give a week's wages per year served in the Military. That is hardly fair is it?

The public sector is bloated and I agree something has to be done. But, the bankers who more or less caused the mess are now getting good bonuses again and we are paying the price.

bankers seem to be untouchable, something needs to be done there & something needs to change!!

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:36 pm

Please remember the difference between civil servants and council employees

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:02 pm

But with regards to the emergency services this would be a worry if they cut back on these!![/quote]

Unfortunately, this (and all) Governments, Assembly's, Councils etc. don't give a monkey's toss about the emergency services (police, fire, ambulance, doctors, nurses, hospitals etc) as it's all a calculation of "what is acceptable risk"

Government 'statistics' (possibly the most twisted word in the English dictionary) will be concocted to say whatever suits their purposes. Crime is alledgedly down, fire deaths are reduced and hospitals are only busy because we are (according to the faceless ones) a nation of self-inflicted heart-infected fat bastards!!

We know it isn't as easy as that....but THEY have to blame someone for stealing more money for less return....

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:09 pm

they are 26 years too late....where were they when the miners tried to save their jobs......they can go and get stuffed.

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:24 pm

taffyapple wrote:
Bakedalasker wrote:According to a survey public workers are 31% efficient while private guys are 49%. The public sector have been heavily critised for having a work force that takes its jobs for granted. This comes down harsh on the likes of nurses and firemen who jobs are to save lives. I've yet to meet such a person who like them who dont take their job serious. However they are let down by their support staff and fingers mainly point at managers.

I judge the public sector by what I see. I wait along time to see my doctor or to have an appointment at the hospital. I dont recall waiting that long when I was younger. Anyone noticed their bin only gets emptied once a fortnight instead of weekly? The only time I see a policeman these days are at football matches. As you can see I dont see much public service going on.

This comes as no surprise to me these cut backs now the Conservatives and their apprentices the Liberal are in power. Personally I trust them to make the public sector more efficient than the Labour party who just created jobs to buy votes. I just wonder how the government of today is going to make the councils and public authorities comeptitive becuase that is what the Tories and their trainees are all about.

Bit naive that about the bins mate. But its a pretty good example. It DOESNT mean the binmen
are picking up less litter. It means there are less binmen, less lorries and less funds to pay for
them. Public services have been DECIMATED by successive governments. The final nail in the
coffin will be when they rip off all the workers pension rights. Smash the unions and then re-employ
everyone on minimum wage.

Try walking into a jobcentre ANYWHERE in Britain today and i'll tell you what you see when you use the
jobsearch facility "JOB SATISFIES NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE REQUIREMENTS".... The Private Sector is
raping the working classes of this country. There are still trades and professions where someone can
make a good wage. But even Electricians are under pressure now as they make it easier for East Europeans
to attain certification to work in Britain.

I would also point out that our dirty stinking disease ridden hospitals have only been like this since
PRIVATE companies were allowed to tender for the work.... pay peanuts and get monkeys is the old
adage. But British Business prefers 'pay peanuts, make more money'.

Do you REALLY want to see our Firemen and Nurses on £6.00 an hour?? The government does :lol:

And they couldnt give a shit if these people cant speak a word of English, so there will be plenty of

A once great country is now a shithole and an embarrasment.

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:43 pm

PhatFrog wrote:

Actually, most in the public sector havnt had a payrise for the last year and have been told they won't have one for at least 2 years. Most of the public sector is understaffed anyway.

You can't be serious with that comment surely!

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 5:12 pm

The problem with the public sector is that over the years there has become too many chiefs and not enough indians sadly who will be first to lose their job but the indians. IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF :evil:

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:44 pm

Same old tories, dumping on ordinary folk once again.It's all deja vu & the legacy of Thatcher lives on in Cameron, they're rotten to the core.

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:56 pm

The Council is in a right shit heap now and the near future is very bleak. Anyone who strikes clearly has no idea of how bad the state of this country is. Our department alone needs to make savings of over £1m! I'm not happy about what they're doing but they have no choice. It's just shit stirring by the unions.

I'm not a fan of the Tories but at least they're dealing with it rather than sweeping it under the carpet like Labour did. If the public sector goes on strike I won't join because a) my head's in the real world and b) I can't afford to strike anyway. If it was a strike I felt strongly for then I would but nah, I appreciate the bigger picture.

Re: These Public sector workers thinking of striking -

Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:02 pm

PhatFrog wrote:
Blazing Saddles wrote:F-in sack everyone of the idiots. Us in the real competitive private world have to put up with no pay rises, no pension, crap sick pay and even redundancies so if you don't like it give someone else your job. It's not the 70's...stop f-in moaning and get on with your jobs!!!!!!! :evil: :roll: :evil: :roll: :old:

Actually, most in the public sector havnt had a payrise for the last year and have been told they won't have one for at least 2 years. Most of the public sector is understaffed anyway.

understaffed normally equates to not efficient :old: