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Thu May 12, 2016 6:25 pm


Vincent Tan will be choosing the next manager of Cardiff City.

It will be his decision alone on who succeeds Russell Slade.

I find it strange that Tan will be the one responsible for making the appointment but is not the man who is interviewing candidates, unless of course he is doing interviews by video call, but I am told that he will be the man who will hire the new manager.

We know that the club are looking to appoint a ' young, ambitious ' manager and that is the preference of Vincent Tan, it was also said that he is looking at a foreign manager coming in.

That is the info I have been given, it is not in keeping with some of the names that we have heard that have been interviewed or at least linked with the position but it is what I have been told from within the club.
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Thu May 12, 2016 6:33 pm

Makes sense given past experiences, Carl and we all seem to have been second guessing so far :thumbup:


Thu May 12, 2016 6:34 pm

Always the same. We are linked with nearly every manager available, and soon we will be linked with virtually every player in the league who is available for transfer. Most of us have followed football for long enough to wait for the appointment to be made rather take much notice of all this speculation.


Thu May 12, 2016 6:37 pm

Can't blame him.He can do no worse than other owners and won't be the first by a long chalk if he gets it wrong.But,I do expect he'll listen to the people that are interviewing and make a decision based on their input.And then theres the fact that he owns the club and his money paying the bills.


Thu May 12, 2016 6:43 pm

Club took 18 days to appoint Malky after Dave Jones was dispensed and from what I remember his name was public relatively late in the process.

So I'd be surprised to hear anything concrete until next week some time.


Thu May 12, 2016 6:50 pm

Sneggyblubird wrote:Can't blame him.He can do no worse than other owners and won't be the first by a long chalk if he gets it wrong.But,I do expect he'll listen to the people that are interviewing and make a decision based on their input.And then theres the fact that he owns the club and his money paying the bills.

In a nutshell.


Thu May 12, 2016 6:51 pm

Tan offered bellers the job in the prem I am sure he will be offered it again


Thu May 12, 2016 7:17 pm

Don't know whether to laugh or cry :roll:


Thu May 12, 2016 7:20 pm

carlccfc wrote:' ONLY VINCENT TAN '

Vincent Tan will be choosing the next manager of Cardiff City.

It will be his decision alone on who succeeds Russell Slade.

I find it strange that Tan will be the one responsible for making the appointment but is not the man who is interviewing candidates, unless of course he is doing interviews by video call, but I am told that he will be the man who will hire the new manager.

We know that the club are looking to appoint a ' young, ambitious ' manager and that is the preference of Vincent Tan, it was also said that he is looking at a foreign manager coming in.

That is the info I have been given, it is not in keeping with some of the names that we have heard that have been interviewed or at least linked with the position but it is what I have been told from within the club.

Unless he's sat in the interview then he must be advised by someone ?


Thu May 12, 2016 7:21 pm

Sneggyblubird wrote:Can't blame him.He can do no worse than other owners and won't be the first by a long chalk if he gets it wrong.But,I do expect he'll listen to the people that are interviewing and make a decision based on their input.And then theres the fact that he owns the club and his money paying the bills.

Totally agree


Thu May 12, 2016 7:26 pm

Haven't heard him take the blame for Slade's failure yet.


Thu May 12, 2016 7:31 pm

Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!


Thu May 12, 2016 7:36 pm

Bluebina wrote:Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!

Thats exactly how I feel and see it :thumbright: :thumbright:


Thu May 12, 2016 7:52 pm

Bluebina wrote:Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!

Spot on we can't afford another gamble which sets us back again


Thu May 12, 2016 8:16 pm

I wouldn't expect anything else, I think if we were all in Tans position we would be doing the same wouldn't we.

Choo and Dalman are capable of interviewing and passing the info onto Tan.

Weren't we linked with a Portuguese manager not so long ago? Cant rmemeber his name now.


Thu May 12, 2016 8:24 pm

Tan could well have been at the interviews by videolink :bluescarf: :bluebird:


Thu May 12, 2016 9:01 pm

2blue2handle wrote:I wouldn't expect anything else, I think if we were all in Tans position we would be doing the same wouldn't we.

Choo and Dalman are capable of interviewing and passing the info onto Tan.

Weren't we linked with a Portuguese manager not so long ago? Cant rmemeber his name now.

I remember the Turkish guy Yilmaz Vural


Thu May 12, 2016 9:06 pm

Just googled it, it was Bruno Ribeiro we were linked with last year, supposed to have been recommended by Mourinho. Wouldn't surprise me if it's something along those lines.


Thu May 12, 2016 9:11 pm

Warnock's days are up at this division, he is not someone that will get us up or even challenging.

I think someone relatively young will be good.


Thu May 12, 2016 9:26 pm

Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebina wrote:Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!

Thats exactly how I feel and see it :thumbright: :thumbright:

so basically all you want is a instant premier league return
no future planing as thats what would happen with both of those
niether would be here for the long term or build a structured youth system
why do you think stoke got rid of pulis for hughes, becouse they wanted to move forward thats why

Pulis would want 2million wages and a large budget for players
warnock would want 1 million wages plus bonuses , and would wantb to keep our high earners if there was no money for signings
time to get real guys
our best chance of success next season on the budget we will have is to recriut from within
trollope knows the squad and players plus the youth set up
so imo is the best we can hope for
and on a side note he would not be answerable to slade
as slade has been given a position so as tan does not lose face
no one really thinks he will stay around to long , as most expect him to be offered a managers job at a lower league club


Thu May 12, 2016 9:29 pm

I would much rather build on a 3-5 year plan than go for broke as there's no guarantees in either method but at least a 3-5 year plan would leave us in a healthy position at the end of it.


Thu May 12, 2016 10:14 pm

Choosing the right manager has been Tan' s biggest failing, if he had choosen Pullis instead of Ole we would have still been in Premiership and playing in red.Hopefully it's third time lucky but Don't hold your breath!


Fri May 13, 2016 9:57 am

ianto13 wrote:Choosing the right manager has been Tan' s biggest failing, if he had choosen Pullis instead of Ole we would have still been in Premiership and playing in red.Hopefully it's third time lucky but Don't hold your breath!

Something about the timeline makes your statement a bit patronizing.I don't think he was available at the time and I'm pretty sure Mr Tan has gone on record as saying he'd want too much money to come.


Fri May 13, 2016 10:02 am

Sneggyblubird wrote:
ianto13 wrote:Choosing the right manager has been Tan' s biggest failing, if he had choosen Pullis instead of Ole we would have still been in Premiership and playing in red.Hopefully it's third time lucky but Don't hold your breath!

Something about the timeline makes your statement a bit patronizing.I don't think he was available at the time and I'm pretty sure Mr Tan has gone on record as saying he'd want too much money to come.

Ole cost him a fortune, don't be too sure that Pulis was out of the wage structure as Ole was on a big salary. Pulis could of been tapped up and groomed to be successor of Malky if the club wanted it.


Fri May 13, 2016 10:22 am

ThomasC wrote:
Sneggyblubird wrote:
ianto13 wrote:Choosing the right manager has been Tan' s biggest failing, if he had choosen Pullis instead of Ole we would have still been in Premiership and playing in red.Hopefully it's third time lucky but Don't hold your breath!

Something about the timeline makes your statement a bit patronizing.I don't think he was available at the time and I'm pretty sure Mr Tan has gone on record as saying he'd want too much money to come.

Ole cost him a fortune, don't be too sure that Pulis was out of the wage structure as Ole was on a big salary. Pulis could of been tapped up and groomed to be successor of Malky if the club wanted it.

Pulis was part of the palace side that got the team sheet info there is no way tan was going to employ him people need to get him out of there heads never going to happen


Fri May 13, 2016 10:27 am

troobloo3339 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebina wrote:Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!

Thats exactly how I feel and see it :thumbright: :thumbright:

so basically all you want is a instant premier league return
no future planing as thats what would happen with both of those
niether would be here for the long term or build a structured youth system
why do you think stoke got rid of pulis for hughes, becouse they wanted to move forward thats why

Pulis would want 2million wages and a large budget for players
warnock would want 1 million wages plus bonuses , and would wantb to keep our high earners if there was no money for signings
time to get real guys
our best chance of success next season on the budget we will have is to recriut from within
trollope knows the squad and players plus the youth set up
so imo is the best we can hope for
and on a side note he would not be answerable to slade
as slade has been given a position so as tan does not lose face
no one really thinks he will stay around to long , as most expect him to be offered a managers job at a lower league club

Steve, the facts are there, if City are do not start getting success their support will get even worse.
Just look at our away support one of the worst in The Championship and Our home support only turns up if its FREE.
Personally I would not stop going no matter what division,but 90% of our fans are not like that.


Fri May 13, 2016 10:35 am

troobloo3339 wrote:
Forever Blue wrote:
Bluebina wrote:Most important person at any football club, it amazes me how many clubs spend Millions on players but don't pay enough attention when appointing a Manager, the right one like a Sean Dyche, will save a club Millions.

A young ambitious Manager, do you mean like Ole Gunner ???

What a complete waste of money that was, he set us back three years.

Use your business head Tann and get this one right, you need a Warnock or Pullis to move this club forward again !!!!

Thats exactly how I feel and see it :thumbright: :thumbright:

so basically all you want is a instant premier league return
no future planing as thats what would happen with both of those
niether would be here for the long term or build a structured youth system
why do you think stoke got rid of pulis for hughes, becouse they wanted to move forward thats why

Pulis would want 2million wages and a large budget for players
warnock would want 1 million wages plus bonuses , and would wantb to keep our high earners if there was no money for signings
time to get real guys
our best chance of success next season on the budget we will have is to recriut from within
trollope knows the squad and players plus the youth set up
so imo is the best we can hope for
and on a side note he would not be answerable to slade
as slade has been given a position so as tan does not lose face
no one really thinks he will stay around to long , as most expect him to be offered a managers job at a lower league club

Because of the length of time it's taking the great and the good to install a new manager I feel this rules out Trollope I also feel the new manager will be something of a left field appointment so watch this space