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How long until the club goes 'cup in hand' back to Tan..?

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Re: How long until the club goes 'cup in hand' back to Tan..?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:30 pm

SavetheBluebirds wrote:Tan's just the Malaysian Glazier. Or should I say, the Madoff of Malaysia.

The debts aren't debts from football expenses. They're debts from him taking cash loans out of the club for himself. In his case, mostly to pay for the purchase of the club. Its standard practice for shysters and charlatans eg Man U, Lpool and many, many others.

Really sad that so many haven't taken the time to realise that. ( The one's that aren't his pr agency plants, anyway).

He hasn't rescued us, he's just tried to f**k us, again and again.
Once people realise, that c**t's toast at this club.

Totally wrong.

The moneies owed to VT etc.. are where they are having to put money in every month to cover the difference between our income and running costs. Simply, like most Championship clubs our wage bll is too high and we run at a loss.