Cardiff City Forum

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Re: got to laugh an extra 3bn abroad while we are skint

Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:48 pm

ccfcashley wrote:Plaid Cymru is a load of crap. Why anyone would vote them in baffles me but why anyone from Cardiff would vote them in really confuses me. I believe that we should have our segregation from the rest of Britain but plaid Cymru isn't the way forward. Plaid Cymru have vowed to close 40% of English speaking schools and turn them into welsh speaking schools. Baffles me to think that people would want that. Welsh isn't our native language, it's a load of old shite. The language is for arrogant welsh folk who believe that speaking welsh gives them the right to speak Down to other people.

Rant over.

P.s the worse thing about welsh speakers is when you are in a room with a couple of them and after a while they start talking in welsh..massive annoyance

Say that to my face you silly c**t and I'll put your neck in.
You're the one who sounds arrogant as well as clueless.
Welsh is the British Language, the first written Welsh was written in Yorkshire. Why? Because it was spoken by all Britons.
I don't look down on Welsh English speakers, most of my mates back home would be classed as that, but I take offence when some dumb tw*t brands all Welsh speakers as arrogant. :evil: