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Would you Bring back Hanging ?

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Total votes : 83

Re: Would you Bring back Hanging POLL

Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:48 pm

juliebluebird wrote:
Nuclearblue wrote:
Daniel_PT_blues wrote:Thing is though u only gotta look on the news see people bein compensated for getttin sent down only to be freed for a miscarriage of justice and actually bein innocent,if they'd hung them there'd be no way back obviously

Yes that is an interesting View. And there is also Police corruption making up evidence or beefing it up, doctoring evidence ETC. So if they caused the death of someone by falsifying evidence they would be responsible for that death and be hung themselves. Where does it stop ??????
But if they treated Killers like killers in Prison, and never released them, then i would be happy but they don't. Murderers can be out in a blink of the eye day release ETC. That Norway Killer could be out in 20 years under Norwegian law. Even after killing that many. Unbelievable aint it ?

It is utterly unbelievablr that killers are released early; one of the vile creatures that tortured little Baby P is to be released on Friday - he'll have a new identity, a totally new life all at our expense. He should have been hanged for what he did. :cry: :cry: :evil:

Spot on.

f**k the goody-goodies!!

Nonces dont suffer in jail cos they just go straight on the numbers and
out of the GP

Hang the scum!!!!

Re: Would you Bring back Hanging POLL

Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:17 pm

I wouldnt bring back hanging... Instead id do it the american way and make them spend a decade or 2 on deathrow before electricuting or lethal injecting them.. Make the sick kunts suffer a nice long prison term and then exicution! For child rapists, child murderers, serial killers and terrorist attacks

Re: Would you Bring back Hanging POLL

Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:17 pm

I wouldnt bring back hanging... Instead id do it the american way and make them spend a decade or 2 on deathrow before electricuting or lethal injecting them.. Make the sick kunts suffer a nice long prison term and then exicution! For child rapists, child murderers, serial killers and terrorist attacks

Re: Would you Bring back Hanging POLL

Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:58 am

I was incensed after reading the random number to get a prison in a separate, more expensive than ordinary prisoners some wealth and more taxpayers. The nonce, child killers should be put into the bullring, with all the other prisoners, we will see child killer, then how brave.