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Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:58 pm

samdm94 wrote:al-qaeda hate the uk, u.s and western countries but why ? they are constantly plotting to hurt people. They are muslims (sorry if wrong) and in the quran doesn't it say that if you kill one man you kill a nation and I would of thought (that like every religion) if you kill some one you will go to hell so aren't they contradicting them selves by destroying parts of the uk + u.s ? (they pray that allah will watch over them, why would allah watch over some one who is going to kill people) will there always be al-qaeda or will they fade away one day ?

because they are dirty muslims ,

that dislike minor sins

they only like stoning their wives to death and murdering people who betray allah

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:08 am

I noticed my dear Zabier you omitted to say "they think",giving me the impression it was your view that our cultoure was decadent ...........if i have got it wrong,perhaps you would like to tell me what you think of our country?

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:18 am

People should be more worried about Israel than Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda as an organisation has been dying for years from internal fighting and military actions from the West. What we've currently got is a rag tag of fundamentalists that tag the name on the end of everything.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:37 am

angelis49 wrote:I noticed my dear Zabier you omitted to say "they think",giving me the impression it was your view that our cultoure was decadent ...........if i have got it wrong,perhaps you would like to tell me what you think of our country?

Western culture is decadent in the sense that material gains/possessions are given huge importance.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:39 am

samdm94 wrote:al-qaeda hate the uk, u.s and western countries but why ? they are constantly plotting to hurt people. They are muslims (sorry if wrong) and in the quran doesn't it say that if you kill one man you kill a nation and I would of thought (that like every religion) if you kill some one you will go to hell so aren't they contradicting them selves by destroying parts of the uk + u.s ? (they pray that allah will watch over them, why would allah watch over some one who is going to kill people) will there always be al-qaeda or will they fade away one day ?

do you think it might have something to do with the u.k and america attacking iraq and against it like you,but i find it hard to believe that our government were not warned at the time of the consiquences of attacking the middle east :ayatollah:

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:46 am

captbirdseye wrote:People should be more worried about Israel than Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda as an organisation has been dying for years from internal fighting and military actions from the West. What we've currently got is a rag tag of fundamentalists that tag the name on the end of everything.

explain ? :ayatollah:

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 11:52 am

Oh dear we seem to have Muslims on here attacking Israel once again...........can they it their belief that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth ?

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:42 pm

angelis49 wrote:Oh dear we seem to have Muslims on here attacking Israel once again...........can they it their belief that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth ?

I'm not a Muslim and never said anything about wiping them off the face of the earth which is pretty retarded thing to say tbh.

Everyone should be worried about a trigger happy state with Nuclear Weapons who can't even comprehend the idea of a two state solution. Israel have/are threatening war with practically everyone in its region and use force rather diplomacy.

Just my opinion.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 12:59 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs (and our disregard of them of course).

Normally don't agree with this kid, but he's right. We are spoon fed things and believe every word.

I mean the western world is so much better, but they've lost all our money, and we still stay and give the western leaders more through tax and let them do t again, and still say that west is best!

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:04 pm

Ramstein blue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs (and our disregard of them of course).

Normally don't agree with this kid, but he's right. We are spoon fed things and believe every word.

I mean the western world is so much better, but they've lost all our money, and we still stay and give the western leaders more through tax and let them do t again, and still say that west is best!

Exactly. You have to view it from an objective standpoint. We are products of the West and are therefore incapable of viewing it as anything other than superior.

However, when you consider the beliefs and ideology of places such as the Middle East, it's blatantly obvious why they tend to despise us. Right or wrong.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:02 pm

pic upload

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:07 pm

Ben wrote:Image
pic upload

Is that the Daily Mail's picture book? At least they're catering for their illiterate readership.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:21 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
Ben wrote:Image
pic upload

Is that the Daily Mail's picture book? At least they're catering for their illiterate readership.

sorry allah :old:

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:50 pm

Ben wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
Ben wrote:Image
pic upload

Is that the Daily Mail's picture book? At least they're catering for their illiterate readership.

sorry allah :old:

Can I state that these images are a complete minority. Here are some FACTS for you, not that the Daily Mail would ever let facts get in the way of a good story...

The income poverty rate varies substantially between ethnic groups: Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%) and black Africans (45%) have the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), white Other (25%) and white British (20%) have the lowest rates.

For families where at least one adult is in paid work: in these families, around 60% of Bangladeshis, 40% of Pakistanis and 30% of black Africans are in income poverty. This is much higher than the 10-15% for white British, white Other, Indians and black Caribbeans.

70% of those in income poverty in inner London are from minority ethnic groups, as are 50% in outer London.

My advice to a lot of people on here, dont believe what the daily mail writes its a newspaper for biggots to spread hatred and divide ethnic groups. The truth is the majority of people living in poverty in the UK are not white british but come from ethnic groups.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:02 pm

OhhhGa wrote:
Ramstein blue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs (and our disregard of them of course).

Normally don't agree with this kid, but he's right. We are spoon fed things and believe every word.

I mean the western world is so much better, but they've lost all our money, and we still stay and give the western leaders more through tax and let them do t again, and still say that west is best!

Exactly. You have to view it from an objective standpoint. We are products of the West and are therefore incapable of viewing it as anything other than superior.

However, when you consider the beliefs and ideology of places such as the Middle East, it's blatantly obvious why they tend to despise us. Right or wrong.

So if they despise us and hate our wat etc, why are so many living here ?

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:03 pm

shinyBlueGlue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
Ramstein blue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs (and our disregard of them of course).

Normally don't agree with this kid, but he's right. We are spoon fed things and believe every word.

I mean the western world is so much better, but they've lost all our money, and we still stay and give the western leaders more through tax and let them do t again, and still say that west is best!

Exactly. You have to view it from an objective standpoint. We are products of the West and are therefore incapable of viewing it as anything other than superior.

However, when you consider the beliefs and ideology of places such as the Middle East, it's blatantly obvious why they tend to despise us. Right or wrong.

So if they despise us and hate our wat etc, why are so many living here ?

Because they dont all despise us and hate our ways thats why. A minority do.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:11 pm

bluedragons wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs.

ok budd i read it the wrong way, as many have said its an outdated religion that should be forgotten about, how any religion can say that eradicating non believers is a step forward is beyond me

ALL religions are out dated.

Religion is there as a form of controlling the masses.

Religion is also the reason behind most wars, that and money of course.

Basically religion should be eradicated.

Absolute rubbish and just misguided opinion not fact. Two biggest wars ever in the last century were nothing to do with religion. Christianity has founded the concepts of schools, hospitals, charity and science in this country and without faith properly lived (every group even non religious ones has idiots who are idiots in spite of their beliefs not because if them ) bring huge benefits to our society.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:12 pm

64JACK wrote:
bluedragons wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs.

ok budd i read it the wrong way, as many have said its an outdated religion that should be forgotten about, how any religion can say that eradicating non believers is a step forward is beyond me

ALL religions are out dated.

Religion is there as a form of controlling the masses

Religion is also the reason behind most wars, that and money of course.

Basically religion should be eradicated.

And that Ladies and Gents is the correct answer! The Bible is just as barbaric, if not worse than the Koran! :?

The Bible is a history book which records lots of evil acts but doesn't support them.

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:31 pm

shinyBlueGlue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
Ramstein blue wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs (and our disregard of them of course).

Normally don't agree with this kid, but he's right. We are spoon fed things and believe every word.

I mean the western world is so much better, but they've lost all our money, and we still stay and give the western leaders more through tax and let them do t again, and still say that west is best!

Exactly. You have to view it from an objective standpoint. We are products of the West and are therefore incapable of viewing it as anything other than superior.

However, when you consider the beliefs and ideology of places such as the Middle East, it's blatantly obvious why they tend to despise us. Right or wrong.

So if they despise us and hate our wat etc, why are so many living here ?

Yes because there are 'so many' Al-Qaeda members living in the UK :lol:

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:44 pm

mjw6150 wrote:
bluedragons wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:
samdm94 wrote:
OhhhGa wrote:Because the West is arrogant, interventionist, egotistical and hell-bent on progression at the expense of the less advanced. It also steals shamelessly, starts illegal wars and destroys the innocent and unprotected all without remorse.

so that justifies them killing thousands of people who do not believe in allah ?

I'm not justifying anything, I'm simply answering your initial question.

Al-qaeda despise the West for the reasons provided above, combined with their obviously repugnant religious beliefs.

ok budd i read it the wrong way, as many have said its an outdated religion that should be forgotten about, how any religion can say that eradicating non believers is a step forward is beyond me

ALL religions are out dated.

Religion is there as a form of controlling the masses.

Religion is also the reason behind most wars, that and money of course.

Basically religion should be eradicated.

Absolute rubbish and just misguided opinion not fact. Two biggest wars ever in the last century were nothing to do with religion. Christianity has founded the concepts of schools, hospitals, charity and science in this country and without faith properly lived (every group even non religious ones has idiots who are idiots in spite of their beliefs not because if them ) bring huge benefits to our society.

I really try not to get involved in threads like this, and this is the exact reason. I know how much good Christians do for society but it does not matter how much good you point out. People will always point to the vast minority or try and cry about things that happened hundreds of years ago and pin it on Christians. The fact is today's Christians do so much good in the world, to the tune of billions and billions of dollars, and charitable hours, but the media and Hollywood do everything in their power to make Chrisitanity look intolerant and uncaring and it is working.

Oh brother I went on a rant there......this is why I try not to get involved. These threads are more for CCMB or for Ohhgaaa to spout his liberal politics ;)

Re: why do al-qaeda hate the western world so much ?

Wed Feb 06, 2013 5:46 pm

Oi! Nothing wrong with Liberal politics :lol: