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new chapter?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:22 pm

Before i get blasted and slated from all angles, i would just like to say i am ot sniping at people or anyone who is against the rebrand just want to put a personal point of view across :ayatollah:

all the people fighting stay blue no matter what, i admire your spirit and whatever the "pro red" group as it as been put can say they to cannot deny the fighting spirit in you.

My point being with fans worrying about idenity and history being changed well history cannot be changed ever, be it good or bad, this rebrand have shaking this club to its core and i beileve that we should treat this as the next chapter in the history of cardiff city fc, note i said cardiff city fc not cardiff city bluebirds fc, alot of clubs in the past have changed nicknames and colours before and i to beileve there was a split in fans like we are experiencing at the moment, after a while i bet the break was mending but still sadly will be a few people still sour.

Personaly i think we ALL need to stick together and give the rebranding a chance and see where it takes this club because we are due some luck that neither of us cannot deny :ayatollah:

this could be a very exiciting era for cardiff city fc or very much the opposite a very daunting experience, i beileve it will only be daunting if us fans stay divided than actually sticking with eachother.

We need the older generation to be wise and respect this decision for the future fans of this great club of ours, change happens in all aspects of life, football just happens to be one of them wether we like it or not.

i ask you all to stand up and be united once again we are CARDIFF CITY FC! the pride of wales lets show everyone that you may be laughing at us now but we as a club will have the last laugh!

:ayatollah: :ayatollah: :ayatollah:

Re: new chapter?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:43 pm

Aint you heared

the fans are creating a new voice -
the Blue Army as it is currently -is rising like a phoenix out of the ashes to inject the fire & passion back into Cardiff City.

there has been disilusionment and dismay by a lot of fans about the lack of noise, shite experience/beer/stewards etc at the CCS - and a few have given up.
The recent events have also taken their toll but we are not running.

The Blue Army - or whatever it is finally called - will be there - bollox out and standing proud for Cardiff City FC

:ayatollah: :ayatollah: :ayatollah: