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knee jerk

Mon May 14, 2012 1:30 pm

Is it not the case the reason we are in this state of not knowing what is going to happen next is because certain individuals on this board,certain people in the written media and certain politicians allowed themselves to have knee jerk reactions before thinking things through,i have seen some really stupid comments by idiots saying they would prefer seeing City play in the Welsh league than change their so called identity,i ask myself,have any of these morons seen a welsh league match because i have and let me tell you it's not much better than park football..........adapt or die

Re: knee jerk

Mon May 14, 2012 1:35 pm

You are right about the Knee Jerk, but totally wrong abouut Welsh League matches being not much better than local league.

There are some very talented players/teams at Barry Town, Bridgend, Cambrian, Goytre to name just a few. Their matches are always entertaining and it's not kick and rush stuff.

In most cases it is only the lack of cash for facilities etc. that stops them progressing into higher leagues.

Re: knee jerk

Mon May 14, 2012 1:50 pm

Who are you to call anyone an idiot just because they value tradition and history of the "premiership dream".

I still feel the exact same as I did last week, any questions I've asked have not been answered satisfactorily (or at all), and I still maintain that people seem to want to jump in with their eyes closed.

Besides, the only reason people mentioned preferring to play in the Welsh league is because of people like Gwyn scaremongering and stating it would be the only outcome.

Re: knee jerk

Mon May 14, 2012 2:07 pm

There was scaremongering on both sides with people against the change saying they were the superior fans and not young plastics that's what wound most up and split the fans

Re: knee jerk

Mon May 14, 2012 2:20 pm

Tyler, Angelis may have made some presumptions in his posts but you also keep making presumptions by claiming that people who are willing to accept the changes are just chasing the "premiership dream"!

Maybe some of your questions haven't been answered but to be fair to the club, the way it all kicked off and marches were arranged etc the club didn't have time to answer any questions.
I'm aware that the club could have handled it a little better but so could the fans.

My position always was and still is, let's not charge in, put the pitch forks down and listen to what TG has to say before kicking off. Now it's too late for that as TG had to release a defensive statement just trying to calm peoples gnashing of teeth!

If these proposals were laid out calm heads may have convinced the Malaysian how important tradition was to the fans and asked them if it was really necessary to change in such a drastic way! If the club tehn said something along the lines of we are losing £1.2 million a month and we have lined a a major sponsor that (for example) is a brand that is tied in with the colour red, and this will enable cardiff city to run as a profit for the forseeable future, or that Vincent Tan has set up 350 outlets across asia where the cardiff city shirt can be rolled out but knowing the asian market more than us Vincent Tan truly believes that this can only be succesful if we switch to red, then i believe most fans would have bought into it. Especially if Tan then said, if it doesnt work we'll switch back to blue in 5 years or so.

You may think Gwyn is scaremongering with the welsh league scenario but i believe it's a real possibility. Vincent Tan has £40 million secured debt against the club. There are other known debts that make the figure owed £72 million!

(I'm not 100% sure how it works) but surely if Vincent Tan was to walk away and call in the debt owed to him how could we possibly go on?
Not to mention our other debts and the running cost loss of £1.2 million monthly!

Unless we were UNBELIEVABLY fortunate and some crazy billionaire was to bail us out it would be inevitable that we would be liquidated. I imagine we would then have to re-apply for status in the south west counties league or something. I know Newport were gonna go to court to make sure they were allowed to re-enter the league but i'm almost sure that wouldn't be the same now because of the league of wales being set up since. I am also aware that the fa allowed merthyr to reform, but if the english fa do have a chance to get rid of cardiff city do you honestly believe that they would turn that opportunity down?