Cardiff City Forum

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Obese Britain

Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:57 pm

What's the answer……..went to Harvester in Merthyr earlier and boy o boy there were some very large people up there who obviously don't look after themselves, eat too much and are generally a bit on the lazy side. :old:

What can be dont to stop this epidemic of laziness??………we could become a smaller version of the obese, greedy USA if it continues??

Wire their mouths up??………..don't serve them in Supermarkets!!??……….ideas anyone!!?? :?

Re: Obese Britain

Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:22 pm

Rationing on ayone who is obese.
Not a day goes by when I dont see some fat fucker walking round town, wondering what his toes look like.
Thankfully I keep myself active playing football every weekend, but when I'm older i'll do more individual sports such as running/triathlon like my dad.
I dont understand how people can let their bodies get out of control

Re: Obese Britain

Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:50 pm

I'm 51, walk the dog most days and go to a gym 2-3 days a week…..ok I'm a little overweight as i like my food and drink but theres just no excuse for the greed and laziness shown by some people. :evil: