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Re: Why do our friends in the north hate us so much??

Thu Sep 08, 2011 4:55 pm

I think we need to judge this issue in the correct context. I do not think there is a general hatred for anyone from Cardiff. I too have been to North Wales several times and talked to some tidy North Waliens. As in many walks of life there will always be some people who have an element of resentment but they rarely represent the majority.Having spoken to our friends in the North, some of them have the opinion that everything is based in the South and they feel they are somewhat the forgotten part of the country. These opinions are more of an annoyance rather than a hatred of the South and I do slightly sympathise as the South does seem to have by far the better infrastructue such as roads , motorways, airports, rail network etc. Also the majority of the Media is based in the South and therefore the Welsh news has a slight South bias.

Re: Why do our friends in the north hate us so much??

Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:47 pm

Being from North Wales and fluent in welsh I have to agree with some of taffyapple ‘s comments (they were speaking English til they saw me etc. etc.) would your mate have complained if he was abroad in France for example they ignore me and speak in French because it has happened to me on occasions over their he has to realise after all he is in wales and that the welsh language is used on a daily basis in these areas, walk around any city in Britain and you will hear a multitude of languages does he complain about that as well?
As for hatred of Cardiff /Englishness this is simply not true, maybe there are some people who are envious of the prosperity in South Wales and the media especially the BBC Wales lot has a South bias, but it does not bother me at all or others in the north we are all welsh at the end of the day.